Hello, everyone. Thank you very much for reading CinemaSlants these few years. I have moved my writing over to a new blog: The Screen Addict. You can find it here: http://thescreenaddict.com/.

I hope you follow me to my new location! You can find an explanation for the move on that site now or on the CinemaSlants Facebook page.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Life Announcement of Some Import

So, a good thing happened. Earlier today I accepted an offer to become an editorial assistant at Electrical Contractor Magazine in Bethesda, Maryland. As you might imagine, this means I'm going to spend the next few weeks devoting a lot of my time to the moving process and all the usual nonsense that goes into such a transition. What does this mean for the blog? Unfortunately, it's probably going to be slow going for a little while longer. I fully intend to keep writing, so don't expect this site to go completely dead.

Also, if you haven't heard, I'm doing some freelance work these days for the Barnes & Noble Book Blog. I plan on still doing that as long as they let me, and perhaps that will lead to even more freelance writing down the line. We shall see.

That's all there really is to know right now. Thank you all again for reading despite the lack of updates recently. It's probably going to stay that way for a little bit, but now that things are going in the right direction I plan on starting to work it back into my regular schedule.

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